Wednesday, October 25, 2017

Tex goes to the Thearte

Tex, the Longhorn, recently attended the performance of Sleeping Beauty at Company OnStage.   Tex answered the following questions:
  1. Where is Tex?  Company OnStage, 9647 Hillcroft, Houston, TX  77096

  1. What is the geography like there? Company OnStage is nestled in a corner of Westbury Square.  Since it is located in Westbury, you will see lots houses, people, cars, schools, churches, and the occasional grocery store.

  1. What are typical foods that are eaten there?   What type of foods do you and family and friends like to eat?  Food is not allowed inside the theater.  The actors and the audience are not allowed to eat inside the theater, but they like to eat many types food.  For example, some of their foods are apples, bananas, and fried chicken.

  1. What types of jobs are there? Actors, ticket sales, ticket takers, maintenance men, and support staff are the most common jobs found associated with the Company OnStage.

  1. What are the popular sports or games played there?  What popular sports or games interest you, your family, and your friends? Hopscotch, jumping rope, and hide and seek!
  1. Tex, can you include any pictures of yourself and surrounding area and/or landmarks?  Please see the pictures below of Tex’s trip to Sleeping Beauty at Company OnStage.

Tex had his picture taken with Princess Rose, Sleeping Beauty, and Prince Waldown.

Tex enjoyed sitting on the stage, after the play of course!
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Here is Tex with the program of Sleeping Beauty. The program tells the audience a brief summary of the play, the author of the play, and the characters or actors.  Since Tex loves reading, he enjoys getting his picture taken with the program.
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For more info regarding Company OnStage please visit their website at

Thursday, October 19, 2017

Tex Goes Camping

Tex, the Longhorn, spent a Saturday and Sunday in October camping with Mr. and Mrs. Normann-Petersen and their dog Jake. They went camping at Mr. Normann-Petersen’s mother’s ranch in Matagorda, Texas.  Tex answered the following questions:

1.    Where is Tex?  Tex is with Mr. and Mrs. Normann-Petersen in Matagorda, TX.

  1. What is the geography like there? Matagorda County lies in the southeastern part of Texas on the Gulf of Mexico.  Matagorda County is a small farming and fishing community.  Since it is on Gulf Coast the area is very flat with a few Mesquite trees and has had its fair share of hurricanes and tropical storms.

  1. What are typical foods that are eaten there?   What type of foods do you and family and friends like to eat?  The most common types of food eaten while you are camping are steaks, hamburgers, hot dogs, and roasted marshmallows.

  1. What types of jobs are there? Fishermen and farmers.

  1. What are the popular sports or games played there?  What popular sports or games interest you, your family, and your friends? Sugar Land’s Baseball Team, the Skeeters and the Houston Texans Football Team.

  1. Tex, can you include any pictures of yourself and surrounding area and/or landmarks?  Please see the pictures below of Tex’s camping trip with Mr. and Mrs. Normann-Petersen’s .

Here is Tex with Mrs. Normann-Petersen in front of their tent.  

Here is Tex and Jake, the dog hanging out together on the “Gator” watching Mr. Normann-Petersen build a campfire.

 Tex and Mrs. Normann-Petersen before the fire was started.

Tex did not want to get to close to the campfire since it was so hot, but he asked me to take a picture of the campfire.

After Mr. and Mrs. Normann-Petersen built a fire, they made smore’s.  Tex was worried about getting his hair dirty and stayed on the “Gator” with Jake, the dog.

Thursday, October 12, 2017

Fire Station #82 visits St. Thomas More Preschool and Tex on October 4 and taught us many things about Fire Safety.  Tex answered the following questions:
  1. Where is Tex?  Tex is at St. Thomas More Parish School,  5927 Wigton Houston, TX 77096.

  1. What is the geography like there? Houston lies in the southeastern part of Texas near the Gulf of Mexico.  Houston is considered to be in the coastal prairie of Texas.

  1. What are typical foods that are eaten there?   What type of foods do you and family and friends like to eat?  The Firefighters from Fire Station #82 like many different foods.  Some of the favorites are chicken fried steak, mashed potatoes, corn on the cob, and vanilla ice cream for dessert

  1. What types of jobs are there? Firefighters of course!  They also work with EMS and police officers.

  1. What are the popular sports or games played there?  What popular sports or games interest you, your family, and your friends? The firefighters enjoy watching the Houston Texans Football Team, Houston Astros Baseball Team, Houston Rockets Basketball Team, and the Houston Dynamo Soccer Team.

  1. Tex, can you include any pictures of yourself and surrounding area and/or landmarks?  Please see the pictures below of the firefighters visiting St. Thomas More Preschool and Tex.

Here are a few pictures of Tex learning about the fire truck.



Tex learned about the different tools on the fire truck: the hoses, pumps, axes, extension cords, huge fans, and even a bright orange cone.

Tex was surprised how big the wheels are on the truck.


Tex then learned about the fire fighters’ uniform and how it protects the fire fighters, how they breathe using their special mask and oxygen, and calling 911 when there is an emergency.

For more information on Houston Fire Department and scheduling a tour of a fire station please visit the websites below:

Tuesday, October 3, 2017

Tex Attends the Fort Bend County Fair and Parade

Tex, the Longhorn, recently attended the Fort Bend County Parade with Mrs. Normann-Petersen. After the parade they went to the Fort Bend County Fair.   Tex answered the following questions:
  1. Where is Tex?  The Fort Bend County Parade and Fair.  The parade started at the courthouse in Richmond, TX traveling down HWY 90 and ended at Jeanetta Street in Rosenberg.  The Fort Bend Fair is located at the Fort Bend fairgrounds 4310 HWY 36 S. Rosenberg, TX 77471

  1. What is the geography like there? The parade goes through two small towns in Fort Bend County.  On parade route you see will the courthouse, quaint small houses with white picket fences, grocery stores, restaurants, and auto mechanic shops.  Parade goers will also line the streets cheering for their favorite float, Fort Bend queen contestant, favorite high school marching bands, or favorite cheerleaders and/or drill teams.  The fairgrounds are mostly surrounded by fields and located off HWY. 59.

  1. What are typical foods that are eaten there?   What type of foods do you and family and friends like to eat?  Breakfast food is typically eaten during the parade since it begins at 8:00 a.m.  For example, some of the breakfast foods we ate were donuts, kolaches, bananas, and yogurt.  At the fair there is a wide array of food to be eaten.  For example, funnel cakes, jumbo corn dogs, cotton candy, hamburgers, French fries, huge turkey legs, Schulze’s bar-be-que, corn on the cob, and much more!

  1. What types of jobs are there? Gate keepers, ticket sales, ticket takers, rodeo sweethearts, Agriculture students, Agriculture teachers, police officers, doctors, nurses, veterinarians, cowboys, cowgirls, judges for the livestock show, judges for the rodeo, maintenance men, and support staff are the most common jobs found associated with the Fort Bend Fair.

  1. What are the popular sports or games played there?  What popular sports or games interest you, your family, and your friends? Rodeo, of course!

  1. Tex, can you include any pictures of yourself and surrounding area and/or landmarks?  Please see the pictures below of Tex’s trip to the Fort Bend County Parade and Fair.

Tex, Mrs. Normann-Petersen, and friends waiting for the parade to start.

Tex enjoyed watching the sheriff, police, and fire departments go by each from the local cities!

Ronald McDonald and Swatson, the Sugar Land Skeeters mascot, waved to all the children and to Tex.

There were a lot of cowgirls and cowboys including the Rodeo Sweethearts in the parade including trail riders.

 Here is the Float that held the Jr. Fair Royalty Court.

Tex is enjoying the sights and sounds of one of the many marching bands and drill teams.

After the parade Tex went to the Fort Bend Fair where he learned about harvesting rice and cotton.

Tex also learned about many animals including cows and goats.   Tex had his picture also taken with the hay. Cows like to eat hay and grain.  

Fort Bend County Fair going on now through Sunday, October 8, 2017.  For more info regarding the Fort Bend County Fair please visit their website at